Image of The Things They Carried: Mental Illness and the Enemies Within

The Things They Carried: Mental Illness and the Enemies Within


I carry 3 things in my bag: a picture of my family, my phone, and my favorite gum. Overtime, these things have become a part of me and my daily routine. I can not imagine not getting through the day without looking in my bag and accessing one of these items.

Similarly, for many, rather than tangible things to touch, we carry intangible things that have become so much a part of who we are that we can not imagine ourselves NOT remaining attached to them: the pain of being an EX, a FORMER employee, his or her MISTRESS, and so on it goes.

Becoming accustomed to carrying a name that we don't own anymore is torture. But who am I now? Connect to this 70+ minute Audio Course and go through each module at your own pace. http://danitaogandaga.bigcartel.com/…/the-things-they-carri…

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